Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October '12 - Time flashes by

A month has passed since we left UK, time sure passed by - super fast here.
On return, straight to the family clinic. Ma'am got MC ... then reported for duty immediately. Bought some new school uniforms at Kipmart Tampoi for Ika and Faiz since they have started school (SRAB JB - thank you!), except the eldest - school-less for now. Efforts are underway to get him to a good secondary school. Already visited two (future) primary schools in Taman Perling. A trip to the jabatan pelajaran negeri requires we furnish tons of supporting documents, including their last school enrolment in Manchester, which we are still waiting a reply from. Everything in duplicates.. nasib printer rumah still working.

We've subscribed to Yes4G broadband - gotta be connected no matter.. i've sent CV by emails to several companies (yang ingat - JCorp and Bank Islam). Attended an interview on 24/10, and would be starting work beginning 1st November. I've also renewed a few things like driving license (online) , road tax and car insurance. A few Jusco trips to get new office clothes. No new pants though sebab yang lama still in good condition.

Still unemployed, I've already attended 2 days of Unit trust training in JB town to keep my membership at Public Mutual. Figured I should sell more Syariah-compliant investments for extra money.

We've driven to Kuala Pilah and spend 2 nights for Aidil Adha. On the way, singgah Segamat to pick up Yaya. The route takes us thru Gemas and Bahau on unfamiliar roads at night time. Pagi tu singgah pasar then Ma'am spent hours masak ayam and kambing to share amongst relatives. Tired but dapat at last jumpa Mak after almost a year. Oh, of course mak buat sop tulang untok makan dengan lemang.

Our house is forever in spring cleaning mode. Banyak buang barang2 lama. Awal2 lagi panggil kontraktor pasang paip luar rumah - for garden and washing machine. Garden just got new rumput mutiara coz tak tahan melayan rumput liar.

This weekend, ma'am's office ada family-day get-together in Desaru. So, more driving.. Every move kena spend $$$$ ....


Johor Bahru

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring 2012

Still cold days at this Victorian era house in Crumpsall. Obviously the dampness lingers, especially after it rains. And we know only how often Manchester gets sunny skies..Coat and thick jackets belum boleh simpan lagi. Kadang kala mcm hampir nak snow pun ada in April.

Seems that many post-grad (M'sian) families are leaving this area. Mostly finishing their studies. So, the M'sian community might shrink further coupled with the rising rentals, transportation and fuel costs. Might be cheaper to stay close to the city. Fadil, a good friend, relocated to a Hulme city apartment, 2 weeks after his house was broken into. Lost a laptop and tv amongst others. But still, a blessing in disguise... Must factor in the eastern european komuniti bila cari rumah sini

Cuti Sekolah 2 minggu
This spring break we visited the War Museum in Salford, watched a movie at the Lowry cinema, near mediacity and had day-trip to Albert Docks in Liverpool. Letih sbb banyaknya muzium situ but sempat jugak cari masjid nearby for Zohor. Oh, we also rode the Manchester Eye (Wheel?) on its last day of operation.